Microsoft Cloud Migration

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Microsoft Cloud Migration

Microsoft Azure migration can seamlessly move your applications to the cloud without code changes, transforming your business. This change can improve your business’s agility, flexibility, and digital competitiveness.

Why Take AVITUC’s Azure Migration Strategy?

Integrated seamlessly

Our Azure App Services and integration with Service Bus, Cortana Intelligence, Flow, and Application Insights give your business operational agility and component integration.

Increased Resilience

Our risk-trimmed Azure cloud migration strategy minimises downtime and ensures a smooth transition from in-house IT to the cloud.

Cost Effective

Cloud migration offers access to top-notch infrastructure without the need for physical infrastructure or dedicated staff.

Goal Focused

You can focus on business growth while our product experts handle cloud migration.

Enhanced Scalability

We offer rapid or gradual scaling, hybrid, or full cloud migration.

Robust Security

We ensure SOC 2, ISO27001, HIPAA, and PCI compliance for your cloud implementations. We protect your data with security experts and support staff.

AVITUC Azure Migration

  1. Evaluate
    First, we determine your company’s Azure cloud migration goals. To plan the migration, IT workloads, interdependencies, data sensitivities, and performance are assessed.
  2. Plan
    We map out which workloads to migrate, their order, monitoring, and success measurement. Successful cloud migration requires stakeholder consensus and understanding.
  3. Move
    We create and implement a cloud computing strategy together. We migrate using four popular methods: Rehost (lift and shift), Refactor, Rearchitect, and Rebuild.

Advantages of Microsoft Cloud Migration

Scalability and Flexibility

Whether expanding or consolidating, Azure’s unmatched scalability lets your business adjust resources as needed. Flexibility ensures your IT infrastructure can support business growth and changing needs.

Improved Collaboration

Azure allows your team to access applications and data remotely, improving collaboration and remote work. This accessibility benefits distributed teams and remote workers.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

In the event of a disaster, Azure offers robust data backup and recovery options. This reduces downtime and maintains business continuity.

Improved Performance and Dependability

Migrating to Azure gives you access to Microsoft’s high-performance, reliable data centres. This optimises application performance, improving user experience.

Cost Management

Paying only for the resources you use helps you manage IT costs with Azure’s pay-as-you-go model. Microsoft Azure also lets you track and optimise cloud spending to maximise ROI.

AVITUC’s Commitment to Excellence

Proven Expertise

Our experts have managed complex cloud migrations for businesses of all sizes. To ensure a successful migration, we bring expertise and best practices.

Customised Options

We know every business is unique. Customised migration strategies ensure a perfect fit for your organisation.

Ongoing Support

We support your cloud environment post-migration to optimise and secure it. Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to resolve issues and maintain operations.

Why Migrate to Microsoft Azure with AVITUC?

Choose AVITUC for your Azure migration and work with a dedicated team. Our comprehensive services, from assessment to post-migration support, ensure a smooth cloud migration. We prioritise business goals, security, and operational needs to provide a robust cloud solution that drives growth and innovation.

AVITUC simplifies, secures, and costs-effectively migrates your business to the cloud. Make the most of Microsoft Azure to transform your IT infrastructure and set you up for success.